Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why I am a supporter of the Tea Party Movement

A friend and I was talking about the Tea Party’s that were happening on the 15th of April, his impression was that they were of no use. He suggested it would be best if millions of us went to Washington and protested. The problem is that millions of people don’t just wake up one day and get together in the millions to protest. Things like that are built through grassroots movements, where people come together to make their voices heard.I explained to him that the individual is often taken as just another person talking about things, hundreds of people are noticed, and millions can’t be ignored!The one thing I wanted to impress him with was that if the grassroots movement fails then no one will hear it when you have something to say!Another question was what do you do at the rallies? I explained that for me the rallies are a place to join your voice with others. I also look at it as a place to charge the spirit, to help motivate myself in the fight to keep our government true to its Constitutional Representative Republic.The problem is that at the grassroots level it’s hard to find speakers who can motivate the crowd or who can be the leader that each movement needs.But worst yet is if people have the attitude that, what people at the Tea Party are doing doesn’t make a difference then it won’t. So let this be a warning, Go to the Tea Party’s, make your voices heard and prove that the heart of America beats strong and that we will be heard!God Bless America and this fine republic!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I asked to speak at the next Tea Party and this is what I want to say

Good afternoon, my name is Jimmie T. Smith.

I am a retired Army paratrooper, family man, community activist and over burdened tax payer.

I asked to be allowed to speak today because I am tired of paying taxes to a government where the elected officials live royalty and our president belittles us.

Our president made snide comments about us waving Teabags around, suggesting that he was available if someone wanted to have a serious discussion.

I’m here to say Mr. President, we are here and we are very serious!

We are middle class America, the back bone of America’s work force and the true force of change!

Mr. President, as part of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms we are asking for a redress of our grievances.

Mr. President you are over taxing us and spending it on programs that are political payback for those who got you elected instead of reinvesting our hard earned money in things that will strengthen America’s infrastructure.

Mr. President, you borrowed from our enemies for pork projects and our kids will have to foot the bill!

Mr. President you give hundreds of millions to Palestinian terrorist who teach their kids to hate America and it will be our kids who will not only have to pay the bill but stand up to them, possibly on the battle field!

Mr. President you black mail and threaten American corporation to do as you wish while claiming you don’t want to run an automobile company. Yet you push them to build cars the consumer has not asked for!

Mr. President you force financial institutions to take federal dollars and then refuse to allow them to pay the money back, giving you a strangle hold over our credit.

Mr. President you say we must talk to our enemies and find a way to work together, yet Mr. President you won’t talk to the people here who disagree with you. Why Mr. President, do you choose to talk to our enemies instead of American citizens?

Mr. President we are serious and Mr. President if you keep this up and in three years it will be you that no one is listening to.

Thank you and May god bless the Tea Party movement!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Military Votes

Military votes not being counted? it comes out that because of (snail) mail the military ballots (absentee) were not counted. As much as 1/4 of military votes didn't get there in time, this is one time I see a bi-partisan push to get this fixed, good job for those who see the proper fact of this being a embarrassment.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Give it away

Give it away

The Red Hot Chili Peppers had a Song with the Lyrics ''give it away, give it away, give it away now" man that is The President and the Democrats way of thinking. I am a Person who does not want the government to give me anything I have not earned and only help me when I really need (it like during a hurricane) yet each Pay day I See a good Portion of my Pay going to the federal government. An example is Medicare insurance; even though I have my own insurance they are still taking my money. I understand that the Government is required to provide Certain services But when Billion are wasted on things like Studies on mice, Subterranean termites or $900 million going to Palestinians (killing Jews and Americans is expensive) I have a problem with that. Why not just take what is really needed to run the federal Governement and Leave the rest to me to pay my Bills. one of the things I find funny is that People will Think it is great that they will get tax Refunds, but what they don't understand is that if they had all the money wasted By government they Could easily have hundreds if not thousands in their bank accounts. Instead we Let the government Study termites and support terrorist. We have our elected officials voting to spend Billions on Pork projects while you and I Struggle. Man, can they give it away? I guess when you elect a Community activist who never employed anyone, got money from government and business (ACORN) and gave it away; giving it away is the Least we can expect! oh and lower taxes for the working Poor goes away as soon as taxes are applied to your gas bill, electric bill, food bill. They know the average person will not do the math or ask why the bills are more, they will just ask for more from the government and in turn they will take it from someone like you and I. And yes give it away!

Dealing with Dictators

Dealing with dictators
Seeing the President go through Europe and Central America basically apologizing for America I think one thing. THEY DON'T CARE! It seems that the thought is that if you go to our enemies and say "America has not always been right in the past and we are sorry", they will gladly sit and work out all their old differences. To this I say ARE YOU KIDDING ME? These people will only deal with us as much as they think that they can get something from us, much like the North Korean leader who gladly works towards peace as long as we give them something of value. When they want more they will make threats and beat their chest till we give them more (can you say extortion)! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We are at a point where we have a president that wants to give our home grown leftist everything paid at the expense of the “evil” rich, but also sit and hand over what ever to our enemies anything they want supposedly in the name of peace. LIKE THEY WANT PEACE? I think that if your going to sit with dictators and tyrants you should demand certain things. Since America is the root of all evil, for us to talk to you, you must return all money that has been given to you as aide. Require any illegal immigrants that are residing in the US taking jobs from Americans return to their native countries. Next free all political prisoners (those who are non-violent). After this is done I think that you should sit down have a nice chat and explain. We are a society of laws, which is governed with the consent of the populace. If you want to trade, or share cultures or do things peacefully fine, if you want to have influence over our country and people because you don't like how we the most benevolent of countries do things, the meeting is over and you can (to quote and old saying) “pound salt”.

Using our freedoms to save our country

Using our freedoms to save our country
Redress of grievancesEveryone knows that there are five freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution under amendment oneit states Congress shall make no law's respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.Free press means that the media can say what they want but this doesn't reach every individual because the media reports what they want doesn't have to turn what you or I say or do.Freedom of religion is a very personal thing that can be shared but not forced by the government, we are allowed to practice our religion as we see fit without the government telling us whether we can or can't. Nor can they establish a single state religion.Freedom of speech is strongest freedom that the individual has, simply put it’s your individual freedom to speak out against or in favor of a subject. If you do speak out by yourself you may or may not be heard it's best to organize without just like we are now seeing with the tea parties. Also you can be ridiculed or punished for your speech say what you want you just have to be ready to live with the consequences.The right of the people to peaceably assemble allows for protest. This is in my opinion the second most important because it is the next step in America uses to make changes. Only as groups will government start to pay attention.Last fall I feel the most important is the right decision the government for redress of grievances of all these freedoms this allows the people the ability to make a change in government such as causing a lot of establish changing our American society. To this point I would suggest that those who are more knowledgeable work together with the leaders of the tea party movement to make changes that would prevent the government's slide to socialism.I feel that we are steadily moving towards this position, as we have seen the takeover of banks and corporations we have spoken out and prayed that our government was trying to do the right thing.Some media outlets actually practice freedom of the press and reported things in a nonbiased way. The majority of the media reported things in which there wasn't any questioning of the choices there government has been making. Next we've seen the American populace start to gather in protest against our government's slide towards socialism tea party movement(which is a group of average individuals) has peacefully held rallies and protests against the choices are leaders and elected officials have made.I feel one of the most important is the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This freedom allows people the ability to make a change in government such as causing laws to establish and changing the American Society I feel that this is the direction we're going, were soon to see tea party members take that next and final step that is guaranteed by our government. People have asked what the goal of the tea party movement is; I feel this could be the direction that tea party movement should go. Using all of our guaranteed freedoms to help ensure our government takes a step back from the slide towards socialism.

The price of pandering

The price of pandering
People who have advocated open borders, just so they can get elected are a major part of the reason that we have illegal aliens bringing in diseases that were once all but eradicated in the United States of America.The price of pandering, People dying from diseases.Broken homes because society says go out, party and don’t worry. Because of this we have families that are broken, work and family is not the priority. Not to worry the Government will take care of you with free food, free money (unemployment) and other aid (just got a flyer in the mail, get food stamps you can get a free home phone).The price of pandering to people who would rather government handle all the hard work, a cycle of dependency that goes on for many generations.Free health care for everyone, to include the many millions of illegal aliens who abandoned their own country. Health care that will be free to those who will over burden the system because they will go in for every little scrape, bruise, sniffle or ailment, but paid for on the backs of those who will work long hours be they hurt, sick or overly fatigued. Health care that will have lines of people waiting, so many that people may not get the real care that is needed.The price of pandering is pain in the pocket and the line at the medical centers.The government taking over auto companies even thought they say they don’t want to run those companies, but since they are in charge they will pick who is running them and what kind of kind of cars they will focus on. Regardless of if anyone wants to buy them or not!The price of pandering is government running business, destroying the free market and capitalism.When will we stop voting for people who pander? Probably when there is nothing left for the government to give.